Preservative treatments

The purpose of conservative dentistry is to quickly identify and treat teeth affected by cavities.

rage de dent geneve

Prevention is always the best treatment, but in the presence of cavities, they must be treated, the affected tissue removed and replaced with a filling.

The use of modern composite materials allows restorations of the same tooth colour to be carried out, obtaining practically invisible results, restoring shape and function. If these therapies are not carried out in an ideal way, they may be subject to changes over time and curious recurrence.

To ensure a long-term result, it is extremely important to use the “rubber dam”: a plastic sheet that insulates the tooth. The materials used are in fact extremely sensitive to the presence of water or moisture.

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conservateur dents a geneveconservateur dent geneve
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conservateurs dents a geneveconservateur dents geneve

Prochaines dates d'ouverture les Samedis:   8 Mars , 5 Avril