Dental Medicine Practice in Geneva

We can create the smile you desire with exceptional aesthetic results that last over time. Dozens of patients can testify to this, have a look at some examples.

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  • I always wanted to have a beautiful smile. It is a complex I had. I have always been looked after by very good dentists, but my situation was so complicated that either they did not dare to engage in too complex treatments or they offered treatments that scared me. Dr. Garavaglia was able to analyse my problem and find solutions that were both minimally invasive and allowed me to have the smile I always dreamed of.

    G.M. 65 years old
    G.M. 65 years old
  • I have always had a lot of problems with my teeth and I had the bad idea to go to Turkey and Budapest for treatment in the most famous clinics there. It was a nightmare, they pulled out several teeth instead of treating them and replaced them with implants. After the treatment I didn't recognise myself anymore! Thanks to Dr. Garavaglia and the team at Cabinet du Lac I was able to regain my smile. Their approach has nothing to do with what I've been through. They cleaned and saved my remaining teeth and then redid everything, but they took the time to do what I really needed! In the end, if I hadn't been elsewhere, I would still have my teeth and I wouldn't have lost money.

    D.R. 58 years old
    D.R. 58 years old
  • I was 78 years old when I started treatment at Dr. Garavaglia's. My grandchildren were starting to be old enough to understand. I didn't want them to see me with a poorly maintained mouth. I wanted to set a good example for them. Dr. Garavaglia completely restored my mouth and since then I have been extremely careful and I have not had any more problems. It has been a long work, but now 10 years later I don't regret it at all.

    E.I. 88 years old
    E.I. 88 years old

Prochaines dates d'ouverture les Samedis:   8 Mars , 5 Avril